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Sanidhya Sarthak

A born leader, he supervises all our work and makes sure we stay on track. He is easily able to communicate all his wonderful ideas to his team members.


Tanush Sinha

As the manufacturing engineer, he makes sure we receive our winning cars on time, and makes sure they remain the winning cars on the race day.







Vatsal Goyal

He makes sure we keep receiving winning car designs, the guy who dreams in class has finally found a place to use his talents. He is also the one who has designed this stunning website.








Chitranshu Singh

The mastermind behind our marketing strategy, he left nothing in choosing and approaching the perfect sponsors. Not content with the best, no, he wants even more.







Shreya Tandon

No team is complete without an artist, and she is ours. Her wonderful colors and designs have brought our team the "Bang!" it needs.







Zayyan Dalai

Where would we be without him? Sandpaper, 3D printing Filament, Clothes, you ask for it, he has it. And of course, he also keeps our budget in check and makes sure we don't waste even a penny









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